Modern Slavery Statement

This statement is made on behalf of Bojo Media Ltd. (trading as Choice Check) in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It outlines the steps we are taking to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not occurring within our operations or supply chains. We are committed to maintaining high ethical standards and promoting human rights within our business and beyond.

Our Structure

Choice Check is a financial advisor comparison service that operates as part of Bojo Media Ltd. We collaborate with several suppliers within the UK, primarily providing consumer data and lead generation services. In addition, we work with freelancers and contractors who support our marketing, lead generation, and web design efforts.

Our Supply Chain

We rely on UK-based suppliers for the provision of consumer data and lead generation services. We believe that sourcing locally allows us to closely monitor our partners and ensure they operate ethically and transparently. We have evaluated our supply chain and have not identified any risk of modern slavery or human trafficking within our operations or among our suppliers.

Policies and Training

We are committed to fostering an ethical business environment. All employees undergo training that includes guidelines on ethical conduct, including awareness of modern slavery risks. While we currently do not foresee risks, we remain vigilant in maintaining these standards and regularly reviewing our practices.

Due Diligence and Risk Assessment

In the course of assessing our supply chain, we have determined that the risk of modern slavery or human trafficking is low. However, to ensure ongoing compliance, we will be implementing an annual audit process to reassess any potential risks and strengthen our commitment to ethical operations. This proactive approach will allow us to continually monitor, review, and enhance our risk management efforts.

Reporting Mechanism

We have established a reporting mechanism that allows anyone—whether an employee, contractor, or third-party supplier—to confidentially report concerns related to modern slavery or human rights violations. This mechanism includes a designated email address ( and a confidential hotline. All reports are reviewed promptly, and appropriate action is taken where necessary. We encourage openness and transparency within our business and supply chains.

Future Commitments

We are committed to conducting regular audits of our supply chain and will review our policies and procedures on an annual basis to identify and address any potential risks related to modern slavery. Additionally, we will continue to update our training programs to ensure that all employees and contractors are fully informed of our stance on modern slavery.


This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors of Bojo Media Ltd.

Tristan Bacon
Director, Bojo Media Ltd.

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